Disaster Recovery Services

Business Continuity Services

Preventing interruptions and restoring business operations as quick as possible.

An emergency situation that brings your business to a stop can happen at any time. There are many reasons that we know of such as a fire or flood, and there are many reasons that we just didn't think of such as an employee seeking revenge that deleted your data from servers. The best way to prepare for the unknown is to start by creating a plan. Our Associates have over thirty years experience protecting business owners.
Your Business Continuity Plan is a living document. Year to year your business will grow, change software applications that you use, change service providers, grow your computer network, add new technologies, and most importantly add new employees while seeing other employees move on to new roles, new companies altogether, and even retire. An annual review of your continuity plan will help you when disaster strikes.
What level of assistance will you require to fully recover from an unplanned emergency? Each event is unique and that is why our team is available to assist you from email and phone support all the way to on premise recovery efforts. Recovery begins with understanding the full impact of the situation, what needs to complete first as the most critical all the way to the final testing of your services once recovery has been completed.

Our effective Business Continuity Plan addresses three categories for recovery

Natural Disasters

Natural Disasters

In the event of earthquakes, floods, tornados, hurricanes, or wildfires your business may not be able to operate from your office. Do you have the technology in place for your employees to work remote? Are you bound by the availability of electricity and servers at your office to be funtioning?

Man-made Disasters

Man-made Disasters

In the event of malware, cyber-attacks like DDoS, ransomware attacks, sabotage, and crime are you prepared to close your network and assess damage? Once you know what you are facing how will you restore services to move your business forward?

Hybrid Disasters

Hybrid Disasters

In the event of power outages, hardware failures, civil unrest, active shooter, phone outages, cloud service outages are you prepared to restore your business to a position where you can operate? A hybrid disaster usually creates a situation where you are facing two or more combined issues to resolve.

The Corporation Associates Technology and Security Guidebook for the Office
Business technology is complex and while necessary, our Associates will provide you with the guidance to move forward.
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To get started call the Technology and Security Group
toll-free at (855) 487-5267.

For information about Corporation Associates
call our corporate office toll-free at (844) 262-7762.

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